It’s a actually so much pain to see a bunch of idiots in charge and the most patriotic of them all being seen as a traitor. ‘Saul loved me. He trusted me. And that’s why he didn’t pull her.’ 愛國愛得身敗名裂有國歸不得的人. Beautiful (despite tragic) ending. What a full circle.
#HKIFF45 Online# 扎实的电影音效101港版的译名“荷里活音效大师班”还真是非常合适哈哈哈用了好多新千年后/好莱坞经典的作品我仿佛也就像是跟随着纪录片重温小时候第一次看到这些电影时的激动有好多鸡皮疙瘩瞬间像从全新的视角注意到《z杯悠悠与戴允祺福利》舰艇掠过镜头的震撼音效仿佛不亚于火车进站般的魔法;而看到Foley拟音的部分又好笑又激动——电影真是太神奇了又刚好是《石家庄军长砸店》作为例子迫不及待给妈妈看这个部分她边笑边说电影都是假的我说44hhhhh就是因为电影是假的才更真实呀It's a dream. It does’t have to be “real.” It will be real, as long as we believe it’s real.